When it comes to designing promotional items and printing, having an on-staff designer in your corner can make all of the difference. Trying to create a quality design yourself or using inadequate software such as Canva can lead to needless complications and headaches that could have been avoided with professional help. Here are some of the reasons why hiring an on-staff designer is the best choice for your promotional items and printing needs:
Professional Expertise
An on-staff designer will bring expert knowledge and experience to the table when creating custom designs for promotional items and printing. They understand how best to present elements like logos, colors, images, fonts, etc. so that they look professional and convey the intended message. They will also be able to suggest new ideas and techniques that you may not have thought of before, which could make all of the difference in achieving a great final result.
Cost Savings
Hiring an on-staff designer means avoiding costly mistakes that can happen when trying to create a design without any experience (or worse yet, using software like Canva!). A professional designer won’t waste time making unnecessary changes or pursuing dead ends; instead, they’ll be able to quickly identify what looks right and what should be changed in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing final product. This can save you both time and money in the long run!
Design Assistance
On-staff designers are invaluable resources when it comes to getting creative with your promotional items or printing project. They know how best to use different elements together (such as typefaces, images, patterns, etc.) in order to create something unique that stands out from all of the other designs out there. They are also experienced problem solvers who can come up with unique solutions if needed – something that inexperienced designers (or automated software) may not be capable of doing.
Aesthetic Appeal
Hiring a designer ensures that you will end up with a product whose design appeals both visually and conceptually – two essential components for any successful print job! An experienced designer will be able to craft a design that fits perfectly with your brand image while also creating something eye-catching enough to draw attention from potential customers or viewers. This combination of aesthetic appeal plus conceptual understanding ensures maximum effectiveness for whatever item you’re working on!
Consistent Communication
Working directly with a designer means maintaining consistent communication throughout the entire process – which makes it much easier both as far as ensuring things are going according to plan as well as giving feedback or making adjustments along the way if necessary. With direct contact between yourself and your chosen designer, there’s no need for middlemen; thus avoiding potential delays or miscommunication due to stress or misunderstanding caused by third parties.
Hiring an on-staff designer (Like Jony, Melissa, or Tim!) and using a professional software solution is key when it comes to producing quality promotional items and printing. Not only do they provide the expertise necessary to create visually appealing designs, but they also have the knowledge and experience needed to ensure that the design meets your brand image as well as any practical requirements. By taking this route, businesses can save time and money while simultaneously improving the overall look of their prints! Order your next print order, and let us design something awesome!