When you place an order for marketing materials, sometimes you don’t know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. Here at Zipp, we love to work with you throughout our entire process. But how do we do it? Here’s our 4-step design process that we go through to create beautiful marketing materials for your business.
Step 1: The Introduction
Our design process begins with our initial introduction to the client. Whether that happens through an email, a phone call, a referral from our pals at Blackwood, or an order form, we always establish a connection before discussing the specifics of the order. This step is where we find out what exactly we’ll be designing and the client’s intended use for the product.
Step 2: The Specifics
After finding out the client’s main goals, we start figuring out the specifics of the product. During this step, the client has the opportunity to speak with a designer about the product design. We discuss the company colors, logo, the layout of the product, and whatever else the client wants to include on the materials. By finding out what the client is looking for, we can make sure to meet every need. This is also the point where we discuss when the products will need to be completed so we can plan accordingly.
Step 3: The Creation
Once we’ve got a plan for creating the materials, it’s time to make the design come to life. At this point, we’ll create three or four alternate designs for the client to choose from. By providing a variety of options, we can figure out exactly how the client has envisioned the product and bring that idea to life. It’s super important that the design of the product accurately represents the business. To do this, we work with exactly what the client tells us and portrays the business in the best way possible. This is one of the key steps to our design process – our mission is to make sure that our clients are proud to show off their marketing materials.
Step 4: The Final Approval
The final step in our design process is a big thumbs-up from our client. Once we’ve presented the final design, we hope to get the approval to print the products. When we’ve either made a few changes to the final design or gotten the approval to print, the process begins to come to a close. The products are printed, packaged, and delivered to the customer. Then it’s time for the client to show off their awesome new products!
Happy customers are what drive us each day. Ready to go through our design process with us? Contact us here at Zipp Printing – whatever you need designed, we’re here to help.